Thursday, June 11, 2015

June No Shush Salon Featuring Brendan Detzner

This Month we are delighted to have Brendan Detzner as our featured reader! 

Brendan Detzner's stories are sometimes scary, sometimes funny, and usually very strange. His work has appeared in Chizine, Pseudopod, One Buck Horror, Bizarrocast, the Exigencies anthology from Dark House Press, and other venues. He also runs the Bad Grammar Theater reading series in Chicago. 

You can find out about that at: 

and keep track of Brendan generally at:

After Brendan, we will have 10 minute slots for anyone who wants to present their latest creative endeavor! Everyone high school age and up is invited! Share your poetry, prose, music, dance — anything creative — in under 10 minutes. Treats to share are welcomed! No registration required — just drop in and share your talents!

Spectators welcome & appreciated!

Also, we will be handing out lovely Notebooks while supplies last!