Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Rockin' the Podium with an Open Mic!

When: May 28th, 2015 at 6:30 pm

What: A Gathering of Creative Individuals sharing talent and ROCKIN' the PODIUM!

Come one, come all and share your latest creative endeavor or wow us with something you found hidden in your shelves! Everyone high school age and up is invited! Share your poetry, prose, music, dance — anything creative — in under 10 minutes. Treats to share are welcomed! No registration required — just drop in and share your talents!

Spectators welcome & appreciated!

Also, we will be handing out these lovely Notebooks*:

Donated to The No Shush Salon for the sole purpose of letting us show our appreciation 
of all the wonderful folks who attend our Rock the Podium Events!

*while supplies last