Sunday, October 25, 2015

Halloween Open Mic

Our Halloween Open Mic will be a fun and spoooooooooky evening! Come share your spooky (or not) poetry, prose, music, dance, or any other creative endeavor in under 15 minutes. Treats to share are welcomed! 
Thursday, October 29th, 6:30-8:30pm at the Clarendon Hills Public Library
We are also excited to present:
This is a website that showcases spooky pictures and stories including, but not limited to, stories about cemetery guardians each October. October 2015 is the debut of this intrepid little Webzine.
No registration required — just drop in and share your talents!
Spectators (and spectors) welcome & appreciated!
COSTUMES are not required, but they are strongly encouraged!

Monday, July 27, 2015

July No Shush Salon featuring Jeffrey Westhoff!

On Thursday, July 30th at 6:30 pm, the Clarendon Hills Library is excited to host the No Shush Salon's first ALL AGES show with Jeffrey Westhoff reading from his recently published book, The Boy Who Knew Too Much!

This book is an action-charged YA adventure that blends the suspense of Alfred Hitchcock with the thrills of James Bond. While on a school trip to Europe, Milwaukee teenager Brian Parker hopes for just a taste of the glamour and excitement of his favorite spy novels. Yet Brian gets way more than a taste when he stumbles across a wounded spy in a Lucerne alley. Brian faces a deadly path, but reading all those spy novels has taught him a few tricks of the trade. They just might save his life.

After Jeffery's , we will have 10 minute slots for anyone who wants to present their latest creative endeavor! EVERYONE is invited! Share your poetry, prose, music, dance — anything creative — in under 10 minutes. Treats to share are welcomed! 

No registration required — just drop in and share your talents!

Spectators welcome & appreciated!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June No Shush Salon Featuring Brendan Detzner

This Month we are delighted to have Brendan Detzner as our featured reader! 

Brendan Detzner's stories are sometimes scary, sometimes funny, and usually very strange. His work has appeared in Chizine, Pseudopod, One Buck Horror, Bizarrocast, the Exigencies anthology from Dark House Press, and other venues. He also runs the Bad Grammar Theater reading series in Chicago. 

You can find out about that at: 

and keep track of Brendan generally at:

After Brendan, we will have 10 minute slots for anyone who wants to present their latest creative endeavor! Everyone high school age and up is invited! Share your poetry, prose, music, dance — anything creative — in under 10 minutes. Treats to share are welcomed! No registration required — just drop in and share your talents!

Spectators welcome & appreciated!

Also, we will be handing out lovely Notebooks while supplies last!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Rockin' the Podium with an Open Mic!

When: May 28th, 2015 at 6:30 pm

What: A Gathering of Creative Individuals sharing talent and ROCKIN' the PODIUM!

Come one, come all and share your latest creative endeavor or wow us with something you found hidden in your shelves! Everyone high school age and up is invited! Share your poetry, prose, music, dance — anything creative — in under 10 minutes. Treats to share are welcomed! No registration required — just drop in and share your talents!

Spectators welcome & appreciated!

Also, we will be handing out these lovely Notebooks*:

Donated to The No Shush Salon for the sole purpose of letting us show our appreciation 
of all the wonderful folks who attend our Rock the Podium Events!

*while supplies last

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Are you or do you know of any creative, curious teens in or near Oak Park hoping to find something AWESOME to do over the summer? 
Check this out!

2015 Teen Summer Volunteer Program

At the Oak Park Public Library

For Teens in Grades 8 and up

with select opportunities for grades 6 and up*

Apply Now!

  • Want to build skills, use your talents, and give back to the community this summer? Come create, perform, and help others at the library. No experience is necessary for any team.
  • We welcome all interested teens. Apply by May 3 to secure your spot on a team. A rolling deadline may apply for some teams, but space is limited.
  • Program runs June 8 through July 25.
For more information, contact Rachael Bild, Teen Services Librarian, at 708.452.3471 or
*Specific teams welcome rising sixth and seventh graders – see link for more information.
Check-out this link for more details and programs: 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Inspired by Wonderland, a Writing Project

Did you know that this year is the 

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was published on the 26th of November in 1865. In honor of this fact, The No Shush Salon is doing a Writing Project called "Inspired by Wonderland".

If you would like to participate, here is what we are looking for:

What we want: Stories, poems, songs, fiction, nonfiction... basically, words that you have written that were inspired by reading the book.

Limits: up to 500 words & 1 entry per person
(If you have a longer piece, you can submit a teaser & include a link to the full story/song/poem/etc.)

How to participate: There are two ways you can participate. You can do one or both, but please follow the guidelines.
1. Submit your words before October 15th, 2015 by emailing:
  • In the Subject, put - Inspired by Wonderland: followed by the Title
  • Put your story/song/poem/etc. in the body of the email and a brief bio including any links you want used.
  • PLEASE do NOT attach a file.
2. Present / Perform your words at the November 19th Rock the Podium event:
  • We meet at The Clarendon Hills Library
  • We meet at 6:30pm
  • 10 minute time slots
  • If you want your piece to go on this blog, please follow the above instructions as well.
Posting: In November we will post a new piece of work each day, crediting the creator, to this blog. We will continue posting until we run out of submissions.

Future Plans: We may possibly make an ebook of some of the writing at some point, but there are no immediate plans. We will contact the authors if this becomes a possibility.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Hooray! A place to share all the great things happening with The No Shush Salon.